The Boston Celtics were recently banned from Chinese airwaves for comments made by Turkish Cs center Enes Kanter in support of the people of Tibet.
His response to China’s aggressive gesture?
You can’t shut me up.
Kanter tweeted out a photo of his shoes–which featured historical portraits from the country’s history and those who stood up against them–ahead of the Celtics’ Sunday night game against the Houston Rockets:
XI JINPING and the Chinese Communist Party
— Enes FREEDOM (@EnesFreedom) October 24, 2021
Someone has to teach you a lesson,
I will NEVER apologize for speaking the truth.
You can NOT buy me.
You can NOT scare me.
You can NOT silence me.
Bring it on!! #FreedomShoes#XinnieThePooh
The Boston Celtics big man is somewhat of a philanthropist for the NBA, speaking out against governing bodies across the globe.
This was his response to when Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan sued him for speaking up against human rights violations in the country:
Fascist Erdogan using his goons to keep sending me Death Threats.
— Enes FREEDOM (@EnesFreedom) July 30, 2020
This is ONLY some of the thousands of Death Threats I get every day.
I will NOT stop until every innocent soul in Turkish prisons is set free.
I’m in your head you tyrant @RTErdogan 🙌 RENT FREE
Kanter simply doesn’t care what these rulers think. The outspoken center will let his voice be heard and use his platform however he sees fit, whether it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic or against the unruly ruling of leaders anywhere.