Boston Celtics: Should C’s prioritize Tatum’s friendships this offseason?

Boston Celtics (Photo by Maddie Malhotra/Getty Images)
Boston Celtics (Photo by Maddie Malhotra/Getty Images) /

There’s no denying that the Boston Celtics’ problems were more outstanding than their health this season. Yes, they led the league in COVID-induced quarantines and sustained multiple injuries to every one of their stars and key rotational players throughout the season.

However, it was clear that even when the C’s were losing games at an alarming rate for more reasons than just not having all their guys. No, they were selfish, lazy, and checked out in most of the Celtics’ losses.

In addition, they played down to the level of their opponent and did not rise to the occasion when adversity arose. Would having a fully healthy roster help that? Yes, but is it the only reason they could not rally together? No.

A story was broken by the Celtics’ Jared Weiss earlier this weekend, detailing what most C’s fans were already thinking. Boston had as many chemistry issues as they did injury issues, specifically regarding Kemba Walker. The former All-Star point guard reportedly butted heads with Brad Stevens throughout the season. Gordon Hayward reportedly told Stevens before leaving that he needed to hold guys more accountable for their actions. Stevens took Hayward’s advice and took it to Kemba Walker’s offensive inconsistencies and defensive shortcomings.

Now, all of this is yet to be confirmed by Walker, Hayward, or Stevens themselves and could very well be a misconstrued report, but the overarching message of the article is not news. C’s beat writers speculate that there were rumblings in the Boston Celtics’ locker room since the bubble after Marcus Smart flipped out over the loss to the Miami Heat.

Smart was seen just a day later hanging out with Jayson Tatum, Deuce Tatum, Javonte Green, and Tacko Fall by the pool, putting a hole in all the reports that Smart hated the team and would request a trade after the bubble. So here we are again, only this time the words came after the work.

Walker’s frustrations with Stevens were kept under wraps the entire season and now become evident to the fans. He was very professional throughout the season in keeping his impatience in check, and Boston Celtics fans should be grateful for that. But eventually, action had to be taken, which led to Stevens trading Walker before the playoffs even ended for Al Horford. The Cs bring in a veteran presence who has garnered the respect of Boston’s best players and has a well-documented history of being the Celtics’ unsung, silent leader.

With stories flowing out of Boston about the C’s chemistry issues, many have speculated that Jayson Tatum might be growing frustrated with the team and would be unwilling to part with some of his closest friends on the team, such as Tristan Thompson. Although I have never talked to Tatum, I find it hard to believe that a star who has been given the keys to one of the most historic franchises in league history and was paid max money by that same franchise is unwilling to part with the team’s role players.

Tatum has been in the league for four seasons now, and in that time, he has seen well over two dozen players get traded or walk in free agency. To think that he’s not used to this by now is ridiculous, and there’s no evidence to believe these trades impact him to the point where he wants to leave the franchise. Tatum knows what’s what, he knows that role players don’t last, and moves need to be made to put the team in the best position to win because that’s what he’s there to do, win.

I would understand if Tatum was frustrated if Boston traded Jaylen Brown or Marcus Smart, but Javonte Green and Tristan Thompson? Green was hardly in the rotation, and Thompson is significantly worse than the C’s top two big men. Even in Walker’s case, he was not there to help Tatum extend the series against the Brooklyn Nets after load managing all season long and costing the C’s multiple back-to-back wins.

It does not matter how close the two are, Walker was not helping Boston win, and it was time for him to go. Is it logical to think Tatum is willing to sacrifice winning in favor of his friendships? No, no, it is not.

The Boston Celtics needed to trade Walker, and they need to change Thompson; no matter how close Tatum is to him, that needs to happen to better the team. NBA players know the league they play in is a business, and it’s all about winning rings; Tatum is no different, and it’s unwise to suggest the Celtics should change their free agency plans or trade proposals to suit his friendships.

Next. 2 more Cs reunions that need to happen this offseason. dark