3 teams the Boston Celtics should keep an eye on in buyout market

Denver Nuggets v Detroit Pistons
Denver Nuggets v Detroit Pistons /
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Boston Celtics
Boston Celtics /

Detroit Pistons

As previously mentioned, the Detroit Pistons sold low on their All-NBA center Andre Drummond. The return of Brandon Knight (coincidentally drafted by the Pistons) and John Henson yielded just a second round draft pick attached.

Detroit is now a team embracing a rebuild, but oddly enough they didn’t trade every veteran on the roster. Guys like Langston Galloway and Derrick Rose were actually kept, making the situation a tad different from a full-on rebuild.

Both players were available at a higher price, that being a first round draft pick. Contenders like the Los Angeles Lakers–who were seemingly high on the idea of adding at least Rose–balked.

The problem with the Pistons keeping the two is that they both contribute to winning. At 30 years old, Rose is not the long-term answer in Detroit. While he still has another year left and could theoretically be a part of the team in 2020-21, Galloway is a free agent in June.

The smart money is on Galloway finding a new home, making his current fit in Detroit an awkward one. If the team knows what is good for them, they will release Galloway onto the buyout market, where he could be the final piece of a contender’s puzzle.

Next. C's quiet deadline could lead to activity in buyout market. dark

In that scenario, the Boston Celtics should pounce like a lion at a gazelle farm. Galloway’s 3-point stroke (40.5 percent this season) would fit nicely behind or alongside Walker on the depth chart.